Dear to whom it may concern
I dreamed of working from home. With escaping the 9-5 trap.
With managing my time and be able to do it all on my own terms.
I dreamed of working out in the morning and have all the time in the world to indulge in self-care.
I dreamed of everlasting flexibility.
I dreamed of creative projects being so successful that my email would burst with endless amazing opportunities.
I dreamed of doing interviews and answer questions and plan business trips.
I dreamed of traveling the world and meeting new people in every corner.
I dreamed of making stuff people loved and couldn’t get enough of.
I dreamed and I dreamed and hustled for my dreams until…
Reality check.
Or better said… Soul check!
My dreams, although they are precious energy pulses, were not what my soul needed just now.
What my soul really needed was to plant some roots.
I needed to have the full experience of supporting myself financially.
I needed to apply for a job, not so much because of the money, but because of what implies to work for someone other than myself.
I needed to stop putting so much pressure on my creative ideas.
I needed time to create what I wanted to create without anxiously and desperately needing it to work.
I needed a house… Of our own. A place I could call home and settle in the delight of the everyday life.
I needed structure, routine, predictability… Stuff I could count on.
I needed to stop chasing the end goal. I needed to paint for the fun of it.
I needed to learn that my self-worth is not attached to what I make.
I needed to plan trips and travel with the only intention of seeking beauty, delight, fun, and connection.
I needed to bust the myth that working for myself was the only way I could work.
I needed to experience what it was to have a boss.
I needed to learn how to be devoted to my self-care regardless of the external pressures.
I needed to feel the heartbreaking disappointment of things not going my way, to see they are always working on my behalf, even when it’s painful and sucks to be in that pain.
Sometimes what we dream and set ourselves to achieve or manifest or attain or gain or succeed at, is far from what we truly-deeply-wholeheartedly need at that moment.
Course correction, then, becomes an act of infinite self-love, courage and it opens a whole wide range of possibilities that we would have missed otherwise.
My question for you today is…
What does your soul need right now?