Lakeview House
@helenphifer kann auch #mystery! Nun habe ich den Roman “Lakeview House” gelesen! Auch dies fand ich richtig gruselig und unterhaltsam!
“Running from a devastating relationship that almost cost her everything, Maddy Hart impulsively accepts a job as a live-in caretaker at imposing Lakeview House. She has no memories of having visited the crumbling mansion on the banks of Lake Thirlmere before, but when she arrives, something about the house feels familiar…
The more time Maddy spends in the house, the more unsettled she feels. Why does the local story about the last woman who lived here, who drowned on her wedding day, chill Maddy to the bone? By day, she clears out the dusty rooms, but in the dead of night it’s hard to explain away the eerie noises or crackly radio she hears hours after she turned it off.
Slowly, Maddy begins to fear that her worst nightmare is coming true, has her past caught up with her…? When a soaking wet wedding dress is left on Maddy’s doorstep she feels completely trapped. It is her exact measurements.
Is her ex trying to send her a message? Or has Maddy’s digging uncovered an even deadlier secret? Will this perfect escape become the perfect trap?
Meine Meinung zu Lakeview House
Auch dies ist spooky und leicht zu lesen! Empfehlenswert für einen cozy Herbst! HALLOWEEN is at our doorstep… aber auch lebende Personen tun schlimme Dinge 😉
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