Women Therapists on Healing
#werbung/rezensionsexemplar: “Women Therapists on Healing-Intersectional Essays, Approaches, and Reclamations toward Feminist Futures in Mental Health—11 perspectives on overcoming trauma” von Susane Pease Banitt und Larissa Miranda ist @natlanticbooks erschienen und durch @netgalleyde überreicht. DANKE!
Women Therapists on Healing is a vital reclamation of 11 women therapists in their own voices, on their own terms. They offer diverse perspectives on trauma and go deep on what it takes to be seen, heard, and healed in an industry that—despite its largely female makeup—still disproportionately privileges the experiences and contributions of men.
Highlighting clinicians at the forefront of healing and transformation, Women Therapists on Healing explores what it means to ask into how women can really heal from trauma—and what it will take to make the world listen. This anthology is organized into three themes:
- Part 1 offers perspectives on trauma and dissociation from some of the leading voices in the field
- Part 2 explores the impacts and intersectionalities of trauma, patriarchy, and misogyny
- Part 3 discusses different paths to healing from extreme and medically related trauma, from yoga and dance to talk therapy and more
Additional topics explore trauma, dissociation, and memory integration; coping with sexual assault; nurturing a fun and healthy sex life after sexual harm; healing dissociation created by cultural othering; intergenerational trauma; decolonizing therapy; the healing power of reclaiming ancestral cosmology; and the intersections of disability and mental health.
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